I just received my new Mavic 3 and below are some test images using the 1X and 7X cameras. I've been quite impressed, and anecdotally appears to be a big improvement over my old Mavic 2 Pro. The night and dusk shots with the Hasselblad camera are very clean. These images were processed in Lightroom using the DNG raw files. Check out the captions for each image. I will be adding more in-depth image comparisons and video footage so please check back in.
Hasselblad Camera (1X) samples image
The image quality from the tele camera is comparable to a smartphone from a few years ago. While it's not great, this camera can take shots that are not possibe with other cameras that do not fly. It unlocks new possibilities which I'm looking forward to. This camera only shoots JPEG at the moment. Focusing this camera in low light is quite tricky.
Tele Camera (7X) samples images